API Reference


async connect(dsn=None, *, host=None, port=None, user=None, password=None, passfile=None, database=None, loop=None, timeout=60, statement_cache_size=100, max_cached_statement_lifetime=300, max_cacheable_statement_size=15360, command_timeout=None, ssl=None, direct_tls=False, connection_class=<class 'asyncpg.connection.Connection'>, record_class=<class 'asyncpg.Record'>, server_settings=None, target_session_attrs=None)[source]

A coroutine to establish a connection to a PostgreSQL server.

The connection parameters may be specified either as a connection URI in dsn, or as specific keyword arguments, or both. If both dsn and keyword arguments are specified, the latter override the corresponding values parsed from the connection URI. The default values for the majority of arguments can be specified using environment variables.

Returns a new Connection object.

  • dsn

    Connection arguments specified using as a single string in the libpq connection URI format: postgres://user:password@host:port/database?option=value. The following options are recognized by asyncpg: host, port, user, database (or dbname), password, passfile, sslmode, sslcert, sslkey, sslrootcert, and sslcrl. Unlike libpq, asyncpg will treat unrecognized options as server settings to be used for the connection.


    The URI must be valid, which means that all components must be properly quoted with urllib.parse.quote(), and any literal IPv6 addresses must be enclosed in square brackets. For example:


  • host

    Database host address as one of the following:

    • an IP address or a domain name;

    • an absolute path to the directory containing the database server Unix-domain socket (not supported on Windows);

    • a sequence of any of the above, in which case the addresses will be tried in order, and the first successful connection will be returned.

    If not specified, asyncpg will try the following, in order:

    • host address(es) parsed from the dsn argument,

    • the value of the PGHOST environment variable,

    • on Unix, common directories used for PostgreSQL Unix-domain sockets: "/run/postgresql", "/var/run/postgresl", "/var/pgsql_socket", "/private/tmp", and "/tmp",

    • "localhost".

  • port

    Port number to connect to at the server host (or Unix-domain socket file extension). If multiple host addresses were specified, this parameter may specify a sequence of port numbers of the same length as the host sequence, or it may specify a single port number to be used for all host addresses.

    If not specified, the value parsed from the dsn argument is used, or the value of the PGPORT environment variable, or 5432 if neither is specified.

  • user

    The name of the database role used for authentication.

    If not specified, the value parsed from the dsn argument is used, or the value of the PGUSER environment variable, or the operating system name of the user running the application.

  • database

    The name of the database to connect to.

    If not specified, the value parsed from the dsn argument is used, or the value of the PGDATABASE environment variable, or the computed value of the user argument.

  • password

    Password to be used for authentication, if the server requires one. If not specified, the value parsed from the dsn argument is used, or the value of the PGPASSWORD environment variable. Note that the use of the environment variable is discouraged as other users and applications may be able to read it without needing specific privileges. It is recommended to use passfile instead.

    Password may be either a string, or a callable that returns a string. If a callable is provided, it will be called each time a new connection is established.

  • passfile – The name of the file used to store passwords (defaults to ~/.pgpass, or %APPDATA%\postgresql\pgpass.conf on Windows).

  • loop – An asyncio event loop instance. If None, the default event loop will be used.

  • timeout (float) – Connection timeout in seconds.

  • statement_cache_size (int) – The size of prepared statement LRU cache. Pass 0 to disable the cache.

  • max_cached_statement_lifetime (int) – The maximum time in seconds a prepared statement will stay in the cache. Pass 0 to allow statements be cached indefinitely.

  • max_cacheable_statement_size (int) – The maximum size of a statement that can be cached (15KiB by default). Pass 0 to allow all statements to be cached regardless of their size.

  • command_timeout (float) – The default timeout for operations on this connection (the default is None: no timeout).

  • ssl

    Pass True or an ssl.SSLContext instance to require an SSL connection. If True, a default SSL context returned by ssl.create_default_context() will be used. The value can also be one of the following strings:

    • 'disable' - SSL is disabled (equivalent to False)

    • 'prefer' - try SSL first, fallback to non-SSL connection if SSL connection fails

    • 'allow' - try without SSL first, then retry with SSL if the first attempt fails.

    • 'require' - only try an SSL connection. Certificate verification errors are ignored

    • 'verify-ca' - only try an SSL connection, and verify that the server certificate is issued by a trusted certificate authority (CA)

    • 'verify-full' - only try an SSL connection, verify that the server certificate is issued by a trusted CA and that the requested server host name matches that in the certificate.

    The default is 'prefer': try an SSL connection and fallback to non-SSL connection if that fails.


    ssl is ignored for Unix domain socket communication.

    Example of programmatic SSL context configuration that is equivalent to sslmode=verify-full&sslcert=..&sslkey=..&sslrootcert=..:

    >>> import asyncpg
    >>> import asyncio
    >>> import ssl
    >>> async def main():
    ...     # Load CA bundle for server certificate verification,
    ...     # equivalent to sslrootcert= in DSN.
    ...     sslctx = ssl.create_default_context(
    ...         ssl.Purpose.SERVER_AUTH,
    ...         cafile="path/to/ca_bundle.pem")
    ...     # If True, equivalent to sslmode=verify-full, if False:
    ...     # sslmode=verify-ca.
    ...     sslctx.check_hostname = True
    ...     # Load client certificate and private key for client
    ...     # authentication, equivalent to sslcert= and sslkey= in
    ...     # DSN.
    ...     sslctx.load_cert_chain(
    ...         "path/to/client.cert",
    ...         keyfile="path/to/client.key",
    ...     )
    ...     con = await asyncpg.connect(user='postgres', ssl=sslctx)
    ...     await con.close()
    >>> asyncio.run(main())

    Example of programmatic SSL context configuration that is equivalent to sslmode=require (no server certificate or host verification):

    >>> import asyncpg
    >>> import asyncio
    >>> import ssl
    >>> async def main():
    ...     sslctx = ssl.create_default_context(
    ...         ssl.Purpose.SERVER_AUTH)
    ...     sslctx.check_hostname = False
    ...     sslctx.verify_mode = ssl.CERT_NONE
    ...     con = await asyncpg.connect(user='postgres', ssl=sslctx)
    ...     await con.close()
    >>> asyncio.run(main())

  • direct_tls (bool) – Pass True to skip PostgreSQL STARTTLS mode and perform a direct SSL connection. Must be used alongside ssl param.

  • server_settings (dict) – An optional dict of server runtime parameters. Refer to PostgreSQL documentation for a list of supported options.

  • connection_class (type) – Class of the returned connection object. Must be a subclass of Connection.

  • record_class (type) – If specified, the class to use for records returned by queries on this connection object. Must be a subclass of Record.

  • target_session_attrs (SessionAttribute) –

    If specified, check that the host has the correct attribute. Can be one of:

    • "any" - the first successfully connected host

    • "primary" - the host must NOT be in hot standby mode

    • "standby" - the host must be in hot standby mode

    • "read-write" - the host must allow writes

    • "read-only" - the host most NOT allow writes

    • "prefer-standby" - first try to find a standby host, but if none of the listed hosts is a standby server, return any of them.

    If not specified, the value parsed from the dsn argument is used, or the value of the PGTARGETSESSIONATTRS environment variable, or "any" if neither is specified.


A Connection instance.


>>> import asyncpg
>>> import asyncio
>>> async def run():
...     con = await asyncpg.connect(user='postgres')
...     types = await con.fetch('SELECT * FROM pg_type')
...     print(types)
>>> asyncio.get_event_loop().run_until_complete(run())
[<Record typname='bool' typnamespace=11 ...

New in version 0.10.0: Added max_cached_statement_use_count parameter.

Changed in version 0.11.0: Removed ability to pass arbitrary keyword arguments to set server settings. Added a dedicated parameter server_settings for that.

New in version 0.11.0: Added connection_class parameter.

New in version 0.16.0: Added passfile parameter (and support for password files in general).

New in version 0.18.0: Added ability to specify multiple hosts in the dsn and host arguments.

Changed in version 0.21.0: The password argument now accepts a callable or an async function.

Changed in version 0.22.0: Added the record_class parameter.

Changed in version 0.22.0: The ssl argument now defaults to 'prefer'.

Changed in version 0.24.0: The sslcert, sslkey, sslrootcert, and sslcrl options are supported in the dsn argument.

Changed in version 0.25.0: The sslpassword, ssl_min_protocol_version, and ssl_max_protocol_version options are supported in the dsn argument.

Changed in version 0.25.0: Default system root CA certificates won’t be loaded when specifying a particular sslmode, following the same behavior in libpq.

Changed in version 0.25.0: The sslcert, sslkey, sslrootcert, and sslcrl options in the dsn argument now have consistent default values of files under ~/.postgresql/ as libpq.

Changed in version 0.26.0: Added the direct_tls parameter.

Changed in version 0.28.0: Added the target_session_attrs parameter.

class Connection(protocol, transport, loop, addr, config: ConnectionConfiguration, params: ConnectionParameters)[source]

A representation of a database session.

Connections are created by calling connect().

coroutine add_listener(channel, callback)[source]

Add a listener for Postgres notifications.

  • channel (str) – Channel to listen on.

  • callback (callable) – A callable or a coroutine function receiving the following arguments: connection: a Connection the callback is registered with; pid: PID of the Postgres server that sent the notification; channel: name of the channel the notification was sent to; payload: the payload.

Changed in version 0.24.0: The callback argument may be a coroutine function.


Add a listener for Postgres log messages.

It will be called when asyncronous NoticeResponse is received from the connection. Possible message types are: WARNING, NOTICE, DEBUG, INFO, or LOG.


callback (callable) – A callable or a coroutine function receiving the following arguments: connection: a Connection the callback is registered with; message: the exceptions.PostgresLogMessage message.

New in version 0.12.0.

Changed in version 0.24.0: The callback argument may be a coroutine function.


Add a logger that will be called when queries are executed.


callback (callable) –

A callable or a coroutine function receiving one argument: record: a LoggedQuery containing query, args, timeout,

elapsed, exception, conn_addr, and conn_params.

New in version 0.29.0.


Add a listener that will be called when the connection is closed.


callback (callable) – A callable or a coroutine function receiving one argument: connection: a Connection the callback is registered with.

New in version 0.21.0.

Changed in version 0.24.0: The callback argument may be a coroutine function.

coroutine close(*, timeout=None)[source]

Close the connection gracefully.


timeout (float) – Optional timeout value in seconds.

Changed in version 0.14.0: Added the timeout parameter.

coroutine copy_from_query(query, *args, output, timeout=None, format=None, oids=None, delimiter=None, null=None, header=None, quote=None, escape=None, force_quote=None, encoding=None)[source]

Copy the results of a query to a file or file-like object.


The remaining keyword arguments are COPY statement options, see COPY statement documentation for details.


The status string of the COPY command.


>>> import asyncpg
>>> import asyncio
>>> async def run():
...     con = await asyncpg.connect(user='postgres')
...     result = await con.copy_from_query(
...         'SELECT foo, bar FROM mytable WHERE foo > $1', 10,
...         output='file.csv', format='csv')
...     print(result)
>>> asyncio.get_event_loop().run_until_complete(run())
'COPY 10'

New in version 0.11.0.

coroutine copy_from_table(table_name, *, output, columns=None, schema_name=None, timeout=None, format=None, oids=None, delimiter=None, null=None, header=None, quote=None, escape=None, force_quote=None, encoding=None)[source]

Copy table contents to a file or file-like object.

  • table_name (str) – The name of the table to copy data from.

  • output – A path-like object, or a file-like object, or a coroutine function that takes a bytes instance as a sole argument.

  • columns (list) – An optional list of column names to copy.

  • schema_name (str) – An optional schema name to qualify the table.

  • timeout (float) – Optional timeout value in seconds.

The remaining keyword arguments are COPY statement options, see COPY statement documentation for details.


The status string of the COPY command.


>>> import asyncpg
>>> import asyncio
>>> async def run():
...     con = await asyncpg.connect(user='postgres')
...     result = await con.copy_from_table(
...         'mytable', columns=('foo', 'bar'),
...         output='file.csv', format='csv')
...     print(result)
>>> asyncio.get_event_loop().run_until_complete(run())
'COPY 100'

New in version 0.11.0.

coroutine copy_records_to_table(table_name, *, records, columns=None, schema_name=None, timeout=None, where=None)[source]

Copy a list of records to the specified table using binary COPY.

  • table_name (str) – The name of the table to copy data to.

  • records – An iterable returning row tuples to copy into the table. Asynchronous iterables are also supported.

  • columns (list) – An optional list of column names to copy.

  • schema_name (str) – An optional schema name to qualify the table.

  • where (str) –

    An optional SQL expression used to filter rows when copying.


    Usage of this parameter requires support for the COPY FROM ... WHERE syntax, introduced in PostgreSQL version 12.

  • timeout (float) – Optional timeout value in seconds.


The status string of the COPY command.


>>> import asyncpg
>>> import asyncio
>>> async def run():
...     con = await asyncpg.connect(user='postgres')
...     result = await con.copy_records_to_table(
...         'mytable', records=[
...             (1, 'foo', 'bar'),
...             (2, 'ham', 'spam')])
...     print(result)
>>> asyncio.get_event_loop().run_until_complete(run())
'COPY 2'

Asynchronous record iterables are also supported:

>>> import asyncpg
>>> import asyncio
>>> async def run():
...     con = await asyncpg.connect(user='postgres')
...     async def record_gen(size):
...         for i in range(size):
...             yield (i,)
...     result = await con.copy_records_to_table(
...         'mytable', records=record_gen(100))
...     print(result)
>>> asyncio.get_event_loop().run_until_complete(run())
'COPY 100'

New in version 0.11.0.

Changed in version 0.24.0: The records argument may be an asynchronous iterable.

New in version 0.29.0: Added the where parameter.

coroutine copy_to_table(table_name, *, source, columns=None, schema_name=None, timeout=None, format=None, oids=None, freeze=None, delimiter=None, null=None, header=None, quote=None, escape=None, force_quote=None, force_not_null=None, force_null=None, encoding=None, where=None)[source]

Copy data to the specified table.

  • table_name (str) – The name of the table to copy data to.

  • source – A path-like object, or a file-like object, or an asynchronous iterable that returns bytes, or an object supporting the buffer protocol.

  • columns (list) – An optional list of column names to copy.

  • schema_name (str) – An optional schema name to qualify the table.

  • where (str) –

    An optional SQL expression used to filter rows when copying.


    Usage of this parameter requires support for the COPY FROM ... WHERE syntax, introduced in PostgreSQL version 12.

  • timeout (float) – Optional timeout value in seconds.

The remaining keyword arguments are COPY statement options, see COPY statement documentation for details.


The status string of the COPY command.


>>> import asyncpg
>>> import asyncio
>>> async def run():
...     con = await asyncpg.connect(user='postgres')
...     result = await con.copy_to_table(
...         'mytable', source='datafile.tbl')
...     print(result)
>>> asyncio.get_event_loop().run_until_complete(run())
'COPY 140000'

New in version 0.11.0.

New in version 0.29.0: Added the where parameter.

cursor(query, *args, prefetch=None, timeout=None, record_class=None)[source]

Return a cursor factory for the specified query.

  • args – Query arguments.

  • prefetch (int) – The number of rows the cursor iterator will prefetch (defaults to 50.)

  • timeout (float) – Optional timeout in seconds.

  • record_class (type) – If specified, the class to use for records returned by this cursor. Must be a subclass of Record. If not specified, a per-connection record_class is used.


A CursorFactory object.

Changed in version 0.22.0: Added the record_class parameter.

coroutine execute(query: str, *args, timeout: float = None) str[source]

Execute an SQL command (or commands).

This method can execute many SQL commands at once, when no arguments are provided.


>>> await con.execute('''
...     CREATE TABLE mytab (a int);
...     INSERT INTO mytab (a) VALUES (100), (200), (300);
... ''')

>>> await con.execute('''
...     INSERT INTO mytab (a) VALUES ($1), ($2)
... ''', 10, 20)
  • args – Query arguments.

  • timeout (float) – Optional timeout value in seconds.

Return str:

Status of the last SQL command.

Changed in version 0.5.4: Made it possible to pass query arguments.

coroutine executemany(command: str, args, *, timeout: float = None)[source]

Execute an SQL command for each sequence of arguments in args.


>>> await con.executemany('''
...     INSERT INTO mytab (a) VALUES ($1, $2, $3);
... ''', [(1, 2, 3), (4, 5, 6)])
  • command – Command to execute.

  • args – An iterable containing sequences of arguments.

  • timeout (float) – Optional timeout value in seconds.

Return None:

This method discards the results of the operations.

New in version 0.7.0.

Changed in version 0.11.0: timeout became a keyword-only parameter.

Changed in version 0.22.0: executemany() is now an atomic operation, which means that either all executions succeed, or none at all. This is in contrast to prior versions, where the effect of already-processed iterations would remain in place when an error has occurred, unless executemany() was called in a transaction.

coroutine fetch(query, *args, timeout=None, record_class=None) list[source]

Run a query and return the results as a list of Record.

  • query (str) – Query text.

  • args – Query arguments.

  • timeout (float) – Optional timeout value in seconds.

  • record_class (type) – If specified, the class to use for records returned by this method. Must be a subclass of Record. If not specified, a per-connection record_class is used.

Return list:

A list of Record instances. If specified, the actual type of list elements would be record_class.

Changed in version 0.22.0: Added the record_class parameter.

coroutine fetchrow(query, *args, timeout=None, record_class=None)[source]

Run a query and return the first row.

  • query (str) – Query text

  • args – Query arguments

  • timeout (float) – Optional timeout value in seconds.

  • record_class (type) – If specified, the class to use for the value returned by this method. Must be a subclass of Record. If not specified, a per-connection record_class is used.


The first row as a Record instance, or None if no records were returned by the query. If specified, record_class is used as the type for the result value.

Changed in version 0.22.0: Added the record_class parameter.

coroutine fetchval(query, *args, column=0, timeout=None)[source]

Run a query and return a value in the first row.

  • query (str) – Query text.

  • args – Query arguments.

  • column (int) – Numeric index within the record of the value to return (defaults to 0).

  • timeout (float) – Optional timeout value in seconds. If not specified, defaults to the value of command_timeout argument to the Connection instance constructor.


The value of the specified column of the first record, or None if no records were returned by the query.


Return the PID of the Postgres server the connection is bound to.


Return the version of the connected PostgreSQL server.

The returned value is a named tuple similar to that in sys.version_info:

>>> con.get_server_version()
ServerVersion(major=9, minor=6, micro=1,
              releaselevel='final', serial=0)

New in version 0.8.0.


Return connection settings.




Return True if the connection is closed, False otherwise.

Return bool:

True if the connection is closed, False otherwise.


Return True if Connection is currently inside a transaction.

Return bool:

True if inside transaction, False otherwise.

New in version 0.16.0.

coroutine prepare(query, *, name=None, timeout=None, record_class=None)[source]

Create a prepared statement for the specified query.

  • query (str) – Text of the query to create a prepared statement for.

  • name (str) – Optional name of the returned prepared statement. If not specified, the name is auto-generated.

  • timeout (float) – Optional timeout value in seconds.

  • record_class (type) – If specified, the class to use for records returned by the prepared statement. Must be a subclass of Record. If not specified, a per-connection record_class is used.


A PreparedStatement instance.

Changed in version 0.22.0: Added the record_class parameter.

Changed in version 0.25.0: Added the name parameter.


Context manager that adds callback to the list of query loggers, and removes it upon exit.


callback (callable) –

A callable or a coroutine function receiving one argument: record: a LoggedQuery containing query, args, timeout,

elapsed, exception, conn_addr, and conn_params.


>>> class QuerySaver:
        def __init__(self):
            self.queries = []
        def __call__(self, record):
>>> with con.query_logger(QuerySaver()):
>>>     await con.execute("SELECT 1")
>>> print(log.queries)
['SELECT 1']

New in version 0.29.0.

coroutine reload_schema_state()[source]

Indicate that the database schema information must be reloaded.

For performance reasons, asyncpg caches certain aspects of the database schema, such as the layout of composite types. Consequently, when the database schema changes, and asyncpg is not able to gracefully recover from an error caused by outdated schema assumptions, an OutdatedSchemaCacheError is raised. To prevent the exception, this method may be used to inform asyncpg that the database schema has changed.


>>> import asyncpg
>>> import asyncio
>>> async def change_type(con):
...     result = await con.fetch('SELECT id, info FROM tbl')
...     # Change composite's attribute type "int"=>"text"
...     await con.execute('ALTER TYPE custom DROP ATTRIBUTE y')
...     await con.execute('ALTER TYPE custom ADD ATTRIBUTE y text')
...     await con.reload_schema_state()
...     for id_, info in result:
...         new = (info['x'], str(info['y']))
...         await con.execute(
...             'UPDATE tbl SET info=$2 WHERE id=$1', id_, new)
>>> async def run():
...     # Initial schema:
...     # CREATE TYPE custom AS (x int, y int);
...     # CREATE TABLE tbl(id int, info custom);
...     con = await asyncpg.connect(user='postgres')
...     async with con.transaction():
...         # Prevent concurrent changes in the table
...         await con.execute('LOCK TABLE tbl')
...         await change_type(con)
>>> asyncio.get_event_loop().run_until_complete(run())

New in version 0.14.0.

coroutine remove_listener(channel, callback)[source]

Remove a listening callback on the specified channel.


Remove a listening callback for log messages.

New in version 0.12.0.


Remove a query logger callback.


callback (callable) – The callable or coroutine function that was passed to Connection.add_query_logger().

New in version 0.29.0.


Remove a listening callback for connection termination.


callback (callable) – The callable or coroutine function that was passed to Connection.add_termination_listener().

New in version 0.21.0.

coroutine reset_type_codec(typename, *, schema='public')[source]

Reset typename codec to the default implementation.

  • typename – Name of the data type the codec is for.

  • schema – Schema name of the data type the codec is for (defaults to 'public')

New in version 0.12.0.

coroutine set_builtin_type_codec(typename, *, schema='public', codec_name, format=None)[source]

Set a builtin codec for the specified scalar data type.

This method has two uses. The first is to register a builtin codec for an extension type without a stable OID, such as ‘hstore’. The second use is to declare that an extension type or a user-defined type is wire-compatible with a certain builtin data type and should be exchanged as such.

  • typename – Name of the data type the codec is for.

  • schema – Schema name of the data type the codec is for (defaults to 'public').

  • codec_name – The name of the builtin codec to use for the type. This should be either the name of a known core type (such as "int"), or the name of a supported extension type. Currently, the only supported extension type is "pg_contrib.hstore".

  • format – If format is None (the default), all formats supported by the target codec are declared to be supported for typename. If format is 'text' or 'binary', then only the specified format is declared to be supported for typename.

Changed in version 0.18.0: The codec_name argument can be the name of any known core data type. Added the format keyword argument.

coroutine set_type_codec(typename, *, schema='public', encoder, decoder, format='text')[source]

Set an encoder/decoder pair for the specified data type.

  • typename – Name of the data type the codec is for.

  • schema – Schema name of the data type the codec is for (defaults to 'public')

  • format

    The type of the argument received by the decoder callback, and the type of the encoder callback return value.

    If format is 'text' (the default), the exchange datum is a str instance containing valid text representation of the data type.

    If format is 'binary', the exchange datum is a bytes instance containing valid _binary_ representation of the data type.

    If format is 'tuple', the exchange datum is a type-specific tuple of values. The table below lists supported data types and their format for this mode.


    Tuple layout


    (months, days, microseconds)


    (date ordinal relative to Jan 1 2000,) -2^31 for negative infinity timestamp 2^31-1 for positive infinity timestamp.


    (microseconds relative to Jan 1 2000,) -2^63 for negative infinity timestamp 2^63-1 for positive infinity timestamp.

    timestamp with time zone

    (microseconds relative to Jan 1 2000 UTC,) -2^63 for negative infinity timestamp 2^63-1 for positive infinity timestamp.



    time with time zone

    (microseconds, time zone offset in seconds)

    any composite type

    Composite value elements

  • encoder – Callable accepting a Python object as a single argument and returning a value encoded according to format.

  • decoder – Callable accepting a single argument encoded according to format and returning a decoded Python object.


>>> import asyncpg
>>> import asyncio
>>> import datetime
>>> from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta
>>> async def run():
...     con = await asyncpg.connect(user='postgres')
...     def encoder(delta):
...         ndelta = delta.normalized()
...         return (ndelta.years * 12 + ndelta.months,
...                 ndelta.days,
...                 ((ndelta.hours * 3600 +
...                    ndelta.minutes * 60 +
...                    ndelta.seconds) * 1000000 +
...                  ndelta.microseconds))
...     def decoder(tup):
...         return relativedelta(months=tup[0], days=tup[1],
...                              microseconds=tup[2])
...     await con.set_type_codec(
...         'interval', schema='pg_catalog', encoder=encoder,
...         decoder=decoder, format='tuple')
...     result = await con.fetchval(
...         "SELECT '2 years 3 mons 1 day'::interval")
...     print(result)
...     print(datetime.datetime(2002, 1, 1) + result)
>>> asyncio.get_event_loop().run_until_complete(run())
relativedelta(years=+2, months=+3, days=+1)
2004-04-02 00:00:00

New in version 0.12.0: Added the format keyword argument and support for ‘tuple’ format.

Changed in version 0.12.0: The binary keyword argument is deprecated in favor of format.

Changed in version 0.13.0: The binary keyword argument was removed in favor of format.

Changed in version 0.29.0: Custom codecs for composite types are now supported with format='tuple'.


It is recommended to use the 'binary' or 'tuple' format whenever possible and if the underlying type supports it. Asyncpg currently does not support text I/O for composite and range types, and some other functionality, such as Connection.copy_to_table(), does not support types with text codecs.


Terminate the connection without waiting for pending data.

transaction(*, isolation=None, readonly=False, deferrable=False)[source]

Create a Transaction object.

Refer to PostgreSQL documentation on the meaning of transaction parameters.

  • isolation – Transaction isolation mode, can be one of: ‘serializable’, ‘repeatable_read’, ‘read_uncommitted’, ‘read_committed’. If not specified, the behavior is up to the server and session, which is usually read_committed.

  • readonly – Specifies whether or not this transaction is read-only.

  • deferrable – Specifies whether or not this transaction is deferrable.

Prepared Statements

Prepared statements are a PostgreSQL feature that can be used to optimize the performance of queries that are executed more than once. When a query is prepared by a call to Connection.prepare(), the server parses, analyzes and compiles the query allowing to reuse that work once there is a need to run the same query again.

>>> import asyncpg, asyncio
>>> loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
>>> async def run():
...     conn = await asyncpg.connect()
...     stmt = await conn.prepare('''SELECT 2 ^ $1''')
...     print(await stmt.fetchval(10))
...     print(await stmt.fetchval(20))
>>> loop.run_until_complete(run())


asyncpg automatically maintains a small LRU cache for queries executed during calls to the fetch(), fetchrow(), or fetchval() methods.


If you are using pgbouncer with pool_mode set to transaction or statement, prepared statements will not work correctly. See Why am I getting prepared statement errors? for more information.

class PreparedStatement[source]

A representation of a prepared statement.

cursor(*args, prefetch=None, timeout=None) CursorFactory[source]

Return a cursor factory for the prepared statement.

  • args – Query arguments.

  • prefetch (int) – The number of rows the cursor iterator will prefetch (defaults to 50.)

  • timeout (float) – Optional timeout in seconds.


A CursorFactory object.

executemany(args, *, timeout: float = None)[source]

Execute the statement for each sequence of arguments in args.

  • args – An iterable containing sequences of arguments.

  • timeout (float) – Optional timeout value in seconds.

Return None:

This method discards the results of the operations.

New in version 0.22.0.

explain(*args, analyze=False)[source]

Return the execution plan of the statement.

  • args – Query arguments.

  • analyze – If True, the statement will be executed and the run time statitics added to the return value.


An object representing the execution plan. This value is actually a deserialized JSON output of the SQL EXPLAIN command.

fetch(*args, timeout=None)[source]

Execute the statement and return a list of Record objects.

  • query (str) – Query text

  • args – Query arguments

  • timeout (float) – Optional timeout value in seconds.


A list of Record instances.

fetchrow(*args, timeout=None)[source]

Execute the statement and return the first row.

  • query (str) – Query text

  • args – Query arguments

  • timeout (float) – Optional timeout value in seconds.


The first row as a Record instance.

fetchval(*args, column=0, timeout=None)[source]

Execute the statement and return a value in the first row.

  • args – Query arguments.

  • column (int) – Numeric index within the record of the value to return (defaults to 0).

  • timeout (float) – Optional timeout value in seconds. If not specified, defaults to the value of command_timeout argument to the Connection instance constructor.


The value of the specified column of the first record.


Return a description of relation attributes (columns).


A tuple of asyncpg.types.Attribute.


st = await self.con.prepare('''
    SELECT typname, typnamespace FROM pg_type

# Will print:
#   (Attribute(
#       name='typname',
#       type=Type(oid=19, name='name', kind='scalar',
#                 schema='pg_catalog')),
#    Attribute(
#       name='typnamespace',
#       type=Type(oid=26, name='oid', kind='scalar',
#                 schema='pg_catalog')))
get_name() str[source]

Return the name of this prepared statement.

New in version 0.25.0.


Return a description of statement parameters types.


A tuple of asyncpg.types.Type.


stmt = await connection.prepare('SELECT ($1::int, $2::text)')

# Will print:
#   (Type(oid=23, name='int4', kind='scalar', schema='pg_catalog'),
#    Type(oid=25, name='text', kind='scalar', schema='pg_catalog'))
get_query() str[source]

Return the text of the query for this prepared statement.


stmt = await connection.prepare('SELECT $1::int')
assert stmt.get_query() == "SELECT $1::int"
get_statusmsg() str[source]

Return the status of the executed command.


stmt = await connection.prepare('CREATE TABLE mytab (a int)')
await stmt.fetch()
assert stmt.get_statusmsg() == "CREATE TABLE"


The most common way to use transactions is through an async with statement:

async with connection.transaction():
    await connection.execute("INSERT INTO mytable VALUES(1, 2, 3)")

asyncpg supports nested transactions (a nested transaction context will create a savepoint.):

async with connection.transaction():
    await connection.execute('CREATE TABLE mytab (a int)')

        # Create a nested transaction:
        async with connection.transaction():
            await connection.execute('INSERT INTO mytab (a) VALUES (1), (2)')
            # This nested transaction will be automatically rolled back:
            raise Exception
        # Ignore exception

    # Because the nested transaction was rolled back, there
    # will be nothing in `mytab`.
    assert await connection.fetch('SELECT a FROM mytab') == []

Alternatively, transactions can be used without an async with block:

tr = connection.transaction()
await tr.start()
    await tr.rollback()
    await tr.commit()

See also the Connection.transaction() function.

class Transaction[source]

Represents a transaction or savepoint block.

Transactions are created by calling the Connection.transaction() function.

async with c:

start and commit/rollback the transaction or savepoint block automatically when entering and exiting the code inside the context manager block.


Exit the transaction or savepoint block and commit changes.


Exit the transaction or savepoint block and rollback changes.


Enter the transaction or savepoint block.


Cursors are useful when there is a need to iterate over the results of a large query without fetching all rows at once. The cursor interface provided by asyncpg supports asynchronous iteration via the async for statement, and also a way to read row chunks and skip forward over the result set.

To iterate over a cursor using a connection object use Connection.cursor(). To make the iteration efficient, the cursor will prefetch records to reduce the number of queries sent to the server:

async def iterate(con: Connection):
    async with con.transaction():
        # Postgres requires non-scrollable cursors to be created
        # and used in a transaction.
        async for record in con.cursor('SELECT generate_series(0, 100)'):

Or, alternatively, you can iterate over the cursor manually (cursor won’t be prefetching any rows):

async def iterate(con: Connection):
    async with con.transaction():
        # Postgres requires non-scrollable cursors to be created
        # and used in a transaction.

        # Create a Cursor object
        cur = await con.cursor('SELECT generate_series(0, 100)')

        # Move the cursor 10 rows forward
        await cur.forward(10)

        # Fetch one row and print it
        print(await cur.fetchrow())

        # Fetch a list of 5 rows and print it
        print(await cur.fetch(5))

It’s also possible to create cursors from prepared statements:

async def iterate(con: Connection):
    # Create a prepared statement that will accept one argument
    stmt = await con.prepare('SELECT generate_series(0, $1)')

    async with con.transaction():
        # Postgres requires non-scrollable cursors to be created
        # and used in a transaction.

        # Execute the prepared statement passing `10` as the
        # argument -- that will generate a series or records
        # from 0..10.  Iterate over all of them and print every
        # record.
        async for record in stmt.cursor(10):


Cursors created by a call to Connection.cursor() or PreparedStatement.cursor() are non-scrollable: they can only be read forwards. To create a scrollable cursor, use the DECLARE ... SCROLL CURSOR SQL statement directly.


Cursors created by a call to Connection.cursor() or PreparedStatement.cursor() cannot be used outside of a transaction. Any such attempt will result in InterfaceError.

To create a cursor usable outside of a transaction, use the DECLARE ... CURSOR WITH HOLD SQL statement directly.

class CursorFactory[source]

A cursor interface for the results of a query.

A cursor interface can be used to initiate efficient traversal of the results of a large query.

async for row in c

Execute the statement and iterate over the results asynchronously.

await c

Execute the statement and return an instance of Cursor which can be used to navigate over and fetch subsets of the query results.

class Cursor[source]

An open portal into the results of a query.

fetch(n, *, timeout=None)[source]

Return the next n rows as a list of Record objects.


timeout (float) – Optional timeout value in seconds.


A list of Record instances.

fetchrow(*, timeout=None)[source]

Return the next row.


timeout (float) – Optional timeout value in seconds.


A Record instance.

forward(n, *, timeout=None) int[source]

Skip over the next n rows.


timeout (float) – Optional timeout value in seconds.


A number of rows actually skipped over (<= n).

Connection Pools

create_pool(dsn=None, *, min_size=10, max_size=10, max_queries=50000, max_inactive_connection_lifetime=300.0, setup=None, init=None, loop=None, connection_class=<class 'asyncpg.connection.Connection'>, record_class=<class 'asyncpg.Record'>, **connect_kwargs)[source]

Create a connection pool.

Can be used either with an async with block:

async with asyncpg.create_pool(user='postgres',
                               command_timeout=60) as pool:
    await pool.fetch('SELECT 1')

Or to perform multiple operations on a single connection:

async with asyncpg.create_pool(user='postgres',
                               command_timeout=60) as pool:
    async with pool.acquire() as con:
        await con.execute('''
           CREATE TABLE names (
              id serial PRIMARY KEY,
              name VARCHAR (255) NOT NULL)
        await con.fetch('SELECT 1')

Or directly with await (not recommended):

pool = await asyncpg.create_pool(user='postgres', command_timeout=60)
con = await pool.acquire()
    await con.fetch('SELECT 1')
    await pool.release(con)


Prepared statements and cursors returned by Connection.prepare() and Connection.cursor() become invalid once the connection is released. Likewise, all notification and log listeners are removed, and asyncpg will issue a warning if there are any listener callbacks registered on a connection that is being released to the pool.

  • dsn (str) – Connection arguments specified using as a single string in the following format: postgres://user:pass@host:port/database?option=value.

  • **connect_kwargs – Keyword arguments for the connect() function.

  • connection_class (Connection) – The class to use for connections. Must be a subclass of Connection.

  • record_class (type) – If specified, the class to use for records returned by queries on the connections in this pool. Must be a subclass of Record.

  • min_size (int) – Number of connection the pool will be initialized with.

  • max_size (int) – Max number of connections in the pool.

  • max_queries (int) – Number of queries after a connection is closed and replaced with a new connection.

  • max_inactive_connection_lifetime (float) – Number of seconds after which inactive connections in the pool will be closed. Pass 0 to disable this mechanism.

  • setup (coroutine) – A coroutine to prepare a connection right before it is returned from Pool.acquire(). An example use case would be to automatically set up notifications listeners for all connections of a pool.

  • init (coroutine) – A coroutine to initialize a connection when it is created. An example use case would be to setup type codecs with Connection.set_builtin_type_codec() or Connection.set_type_codec().

  • loop – An asyncio event loop instance. If None, the default event loop will be used.


An instance of Pool.

Changed in version 0.10.0: An InterfaceError will be raised on any attempted operation on a released connection.

Changed in version 0.13.0: An InterfaceError will be raised on any attempted operation on a prepared statement or a cursor created on a connection that has been released to the pool.

Changed in version 0.13.0: An InterfaceWarning will be produced if there are any active listeners (added via Connection.add_listener() or Connection.add_log_listener()) present on the connection at the moment of its release to the pool.

Changed in version 0.22.0: Added the record_class parameter.

class Pool[source]

A connection pool.

Connection pool can be used to manage a set of connections to the database. Connections are first acquired from the pool, then used, and then released back to the pool. Once a connection is released, it’s reset to close all open cursors and other resources except prepared statements.

Pools are created by calling create_pool().

acquire(*, timeout=None)[source]

Acquire a database connection from the pool.


timeout (float) – A timeout for acquiring a Connection.


An instance of Connection.

Can be used in an await expression or with an async with block.

async with pool.acquire() as con:
    await con.execute(...)


con = await pool.acquire()
    await con.execute(...)
    await pool.release(con)
coroutine close()[source]

Attempt to gracefully close all connections in the pool.

Wait until all pool connections are released, close them and shut down the pool. If any error (including cancellation) occurs in close() the pool will terminate by calling Pool.terminate().

It is advisable to use asyncio.wait_for() to set a timeout.

Changed in version 0.16.0: close() now waits until all pool connections are released before closing them and the pool. Errors raised in close() will cause immediate pool termination.

coroutine copy_from_query(query, *args, output, timeout=None, format=None, oids=None, delimiter=None, null=None, header=None, quote=None, escape=None, force_quote=None, encoding=None)[source]

Copy the results of a query to a file or file-like object.

Pool performs this operation using one of its connections. Other than that, it behaves identically to Connection.copy_from_query().

New in version 0.24.0.

coroutine copy_from_table(table_name, *, output, columns=None, schema_name=None, timeout=None, format=None, oids=None, delimiter=None, null=None, header=None, quote=None, escape=None, force_quote=None, encoding=None)[source]

Copy table contents to a file or file-like object.

Pool performs this operation using one of its connections. Other than that, it behaves identically to Connection.copy_from_table().

New in version 0.24.0.

coroutine copy_records_to_table(table_name, *, records, columns=None, schema_name=None, timeout=None, where=None)[source]

Copy a list of records to the specified table using binary COPY.

Pool performs this operation using one of its connections. Other than that, it behaves identically to Connection.copy_records_to_table().

New in version 0.24.0.

coroutine copy_to_table(table_name, *, source, columns=None, schema_name=None, timeout=None, format=None, oids=None, freeze=None, delimiter=None, null=None, header=None, quote=None, escape=None, force_quote=None, force_not_null=None, force_null=None, encoding=None, where=None)[source]

Copy data to the specified table.

Pool performs this operation using one of its connections. Other than that, it behaves identically to Connection.copy_to_table().

New in version 0.24.0.

coroutine execute(query: str, *args, timeout: float = None) str[source]

Execute an SQL command (or commands).

Pool performs this operation using one of its connections. Other than that, it behaves identically to Connection.execute().

New in version 0.10.0.

coroutine executemany(command: str, args, *, timeout: float = None)[source]

Execute an SQL command for each sequence of arguments in args.

Pool performs this operation using one of its connections. Other than that, it behaves identically to Connection.executemany().

New in version 0.10.0.

coroutine expire_connections()[source]

Expire all currently open connections.

Cause all currently open connections to get replaced on the next acquire() call.

New in version 0.16.0.

coroutine fetch(query, *args, timeout=None, record_class=None) list[source]

Run a query and return the results as a list of Record.

Pool performs this operation using one of its connections. Other than that, it behaves identically to Connection.fetch().

New in version 0.10.0.

coroutine fetchrow(query, *args, timeout=None, record_class=None)[source]

Run a query and return the first row.

Pool performs this operation using one of its connections. Other than that, it behaves identically to Connection.fetchrow().

New in version 0.10.0.

coroutine fetchval(query, *args, column=0, timeout=None)[source]

Run a query and return a value in the first row.

Pool performs this operation using one of its connections. Other than that, it behaves identically to Connection.fetchval().

New in version 0.10.0.


Return the current number of idle connections in this pool.

New in version 0.25.0.


Return the maximum allowed number of connections in this pool.

New in version 0.25.0.


Return the minimum number of connections in this pool.

New in version 0.25.0.


Return the current number of connections in this pool.

New in version 0.25.0.


Return True if the pool is closing or is closed.

New in version 0.28.0.

coroutine release(connection, *, timeout=None)[source]

Release a database connection back to the pool.

  • connection (Connection) – A Connection object to release.

  • timeout (float) – A timeout for releasing the connection. If not specified, defaults to the timeout provided in the corresponding call to the Pool.acquire() method.

Changed in version 0.14.0: Added the timeout parameter.

set_connect_args(dsn=None, **connect_kwargs)[source]

Set the new connection arguments for this pool.

The new connection arguments will be used for all subsequent new connection attempts. Existing connections will remain until they expire. Use Pool.expire_connections() to expedite the connection expiry.

  • dsn (str) – Connection arguments specified using as a single string in the following format: postgres://user:pass@host:port/database?option=value.

  • **connect_kwargs – Keyword arguments for the connect() function.

New in version 0.16.0.


Terminate all connections in the pool.

Record Objects

Each row (or composite type value) returned by calls to fetch* methods is represented by an instance of the Record object. Record objects are a tuple-/dict-like hybrid, and allow addressing of items either by a numeric index or by a field name:

>>> import asyncpg
>>> import asyncio
>>> loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
>>> conn = loop.run_until_complete(asyncpg.connect())
>>> r = loop.run_until_complete(conn.fetchrow('''
...     SELECT oid, rolname, rolsuper FROM pg_roles WHERE rolname = user'''))
>>> r
<Record oid=16388 rolname='elvis' rolsuper=True>
>>> r['oid']
>>> r[0]
>>> dict(r)
{'oid': 16388, 'rolname': 'elvis', 'rolsuper': True}
>>> tuple(r)
(16388, 'elvis', True)


Record objects currently cannot be created from Python code.

class Record

A read-only representation of PostgreSQL row.


Return the number of fields in record r.


Return the field of r with field name or index field.

name in r

Return True if record r has a field named name.


Return an iterator over the values of the record r.

get(name[, default])

Return the value for name if the record has a field named name, else return default. If default is not given, return None.

New in version 0.18.


Return an iterator over the record values.


Return an iterator over the record field names.


Return an iterator over (field, value) pairs.

class ConnectionSettings

A read-only collection of Connection settings.


Return the value of the “setting_name” setting. Raises an AttributeError if the setting is not defined.


>>> connection.get_settings().client_encoding

Data Types

class Attribute(name, type)

Database relation attribute.


Attribute name.


Attribute data type asyncpg.types.Type.

class BitString(bitstring: Optional[bytes] = None)[source]

Immutable representation of PostgreSQL bit and varbit types.

classmethod from_int(x: int, length: int, bitorder: Literal['big', 'little'] = 'big', *, signed: bool = False) _BitString[source]

Represent the Python int x as a BitString. Acts similarly to int.to_bytes.

  • x (int) – An integer to represent. Negative integers are represented in two’s complement form, unless the argument signed is False, in which case negative integers raise an OverflowError.

  • length (int) – The length of the resulting BitString. An OverflowError is raised if the integer is not representable in this many bits.

  • bitorder – Determines the bit order used in the BitString representation. By default, this function uses Postgres conventions for casting ints to bits. If bitorder is ‘big’, the most significant bit is at the start of the string (this is the same as the default). If bitorder is ‘little’, the most significant bit is at the end of the string.

  • signed (bool) – Determines whether two’s complement is used in the BitString representation. If signed is False and a negative integer is given, an OverflowError is raised.

Return BitString:

A BitString representing the input integer, in the form specified by the other input args.

New in version 0.18.0.

to_int(bitorder: Literal['big', 'little'] = 'big', *, signed: bool = False) int[source]

Interpret the BitString as a Python int. Acts similarly to int.from_bytes.

  • bitorder – Determines the bit order used to interpret the BitString. By default, this function uses Postgres conventions for casting bits to ints. If bitorder is ‘big’, the most significant bit is at the start of the string (this is the same as the default). If bitorder is ‘little’, the most significant bit is at the end of the string.

  • signed (bool) – Determines whether two’s complement is used to interpret the BitString. If signed is False, the returned value is always non-negative.

Return int:

An integer representing the BitString. Information about the BitString’s exact length is lost.

New in version 0.18.0.

class Box(high: Sequence[float], low: Sequence[float])[source]

Immutable representation of PostgreSQL box type.

class Circle(center: Point, radius: float)[source]

Immutable representation of PostgreSQL circle type.

class Line(A: float, B: float, C: float)[source]

Immutable representation of PostgreSQL line type.

class LineSegment(p1: Sequence[float], p2: Sequence[float])[source]

Immutable representation of PostgreSQL lseg type.

class Path(*points: Sequence[float], is_closed: bool = False)[source]

Immutable representation of PostgreSQL path type.

class Point(x: Union[SupportsFloat, SupportsIndex, str, bytes, bytearray], y: Union[SupportsFloat, SupportsIndex, str, bytes, bytearray])[source]

Immutable representation of PostgreSQL point type.

class Polygon(*points: Sequence[float])[source]

Immutable representation of PostgreSQL polygon type.

class Range(lower=None, upper=None, *, lower_inc=True, upper_inc=False, empty=False)[source]

Immutable representation of PostgreSQL range type.

class ServerVersion(major, minor, micro, releaselevel, serial)

PostgreSQL server version tuple.


Alias for field number 0


Alias for field number 2


Alias for field number 1


Alias for field number 3


Alias for field number 4

class Type(oid, name, kind, schema)

Database data type.


Type kind. Can be “scalar”, “array”, “composite” or “range”.


Type name. For example “int2”.


OID of the type.


Name of the database schema that defines the type.