Source code for asyncpg.cursor

# Copyright (C) 2016-present the asyncpg authors and contributors
# <see AUTHORS file>
# This module is part of asyncpg and is released under
# the Apache 2.0 License:

import collections

from . import connresource
from . import exceptions

[docs] class CursorFactory(connresource.ConnectionResource): """A cursor interface for the results of a query. A cursor interface can be used to initiate efficient traversal of the results of a large query. """ __slots__ = ( '_state', '_args', '_prefetch', '_query', '_timeout', '_record_class', ) def __init__( self, connection, query, state, args, prefetch, timeout, record_class ): super().__init__(connection) self._args = args self._prefetch = prefetch self._query = query self._timeout = timeout self._state = state self._record_class = record_class if state is not None: state.attach() @connresource.guarded def __aiter__(self): prefetch = 50 if self._prefetch is None else self._prefetch return CursorIterator( self._connection, self._query, self._state, self._args, self._record_class, prefetch, self._timeout, ) @connresource.guarded def __await__(self): if self._prefetch is not None: raise exceptions.InterfaceError( 'prefetch argument can only be specified for iterable cursor') cursor = Cursor( self._connection, self._query, self._state, self._args, self._record_class, ) return cursor._init(self._timeout).__await__() def __del__(self): if self._state is not None: self._state.detach() self._connection._maybe_gc_stmt(self._state)
class BaseCursor(connresource.ConnectionResource): __slots__ = ( '_state', '_args', '_portal_name', '_exhausted', '_query', '_record_class', ) def __init__(self, connection, query, state, args, record_class): super().__init__(connection) self._args = args self._state = state if state is not None: state.attach() self._portal_name = None self._exhausted = False self._query = query self._record_class = record_class def _check_ready(self): if self._state is None: raise exceptions.InterfaceError( 'cursor: no associated prepared statement') if self._state.closed: raise exceptions.InterfaceError( 'cursor: the prepared statement is closed') if not self._connection._top_xact: raise exceptions.NoActiveSQLTransactionError( 'cursor cannot be created outside of a transaction') async def _bind_exec(self, n, timeout): self._check_ready() if self._portal_name: raise exceptions.InterfaceError( 'cursor already has an open portal') con = self._connection protocol = con._protocol self._portal_name = con._get_unique_id('portal') buffer, _, self._exhausted = await protocol.bind_execute( self._state, self._args, self._portal_name, n, True, timeout) return buffer async def _bind(self, timeout): self._check_ready() if self._portal_name: raise exceptions.InterfaceError( 'cursor already has an open portal') con = self._connection protocol = con._protocol self._portal_name = con._get_unique_id('portal') buffer = await protocol.bind(self._state, self._args, self._portal_name, timeout) return buffer async def _exec(self, n, timeout): self._check_ready() if not self._portal_name: raise exceptions.InterfaceError( 'cursor does not have an open portal') protocol = self._connection._protocol buffer, _, self._exhausted = await protocol.execute( self._state, self._portal_name, n, True, timeout) return buffer async def _close_portal(self, timeout): self._check_ready() if not self._portal_name: raise exceptions.InterfaceError( 'cursor does not have an open portal') protocol = self._connection._protocol await protocol.close_portal(self._portal_name, timeout) self._portal_name = None def __repr__(self): attrs = [] if self._exhausted: attrs.append('exhausted') attrs.append('') # to separate from id if self.__class__.__module__.startswith('asyncpg.'): mod = 'asyncpg' else: mod = self.__class__.__module__ return '<{}.{} "{!s:.30}" {}{:#x}>'.format( mod, self.__class__.__name__, self._state.query, ' '.join(attrs), id(self)) def __del__(self): if self._state is not None: self._state.detach() self._connection._maybe_gc_stmt(self._state) class CursorIterator(BaseCursor): __slots__ = ('_buffer', '_prefetch', '_timeout') def __init__( self, connection, query, state, args, record_class, prefetch, timeout ): super().__init__(connection, query, state, args, record_class) if prefetch <= 0: raise exceptions.InterfaceError( 'prefetch argument must be greater than zero') self._buffer = collections.deque() self._prefetch = prefetch self._timeout = timeout @connresource.guarded def __aiter__(self): return self @connresource.guarded async def __anext__(self): if self._state is None: self._state = await self._connection._get_statement( self._query, self._timeout, named=True, record_class=self._record_class, ) self._state.attach() if not self._portal_name and not self._exhausted: buffer = await self._bind_exec(self._prefetch, self._timeout) self._buffer.extend(buffer) if not self._buffer and not self._exhausted: buffer = await self._exec(self._prefetch, self._timeout) self._buffer.extend(buffer) if self._portal_name and self._exhausted: await self._close_portal(self._timeout) if self._buffer: return self._buffer.popleft() raise StopAsyncIteration
[docs] class Cursor(BaseCursor): """An open *portal* into the results of a query.""" __slots__ = () async def _init(self, timeout): if self._state is None: self._state = await self._connection._get_statement( self._query, timeout, named=True, record_class=self._record_class, ) self._state.attach() self._check_ready() await self._bind(timeout) return self
[docs] @connresource.guarded async def fetch(self, n, *, timeout=None): r"""Return the next *n* rows as a list of :class:`Record` objects. :param float timeout: Optional timeout value in seconds. :return: A list of :class:`Record` instances. """ self._check_ready() if n <= 0: raise exceptions.InterfaceError('n must be greater than zero') if self._exhausted: return [] recs = await self._exec(n, timeout) if len(recs) < n: self._exhausted = True return recs
[docs] @connresource.guarded async def fetchrow(self, *, timeout=None): r"""Return the next row. :param float timeout: Optional timeout value in seconds. :return: A :class:`Record` instance. """ self._check_ready() if self._exhausted: return None recs = await self._exec(1, timeout) if len(recs) < 1: self._exhausted = True return None return recs[0]
[docs] @connresource.guarded async def forward(self, n, *, timeout=None) -> int: r"""Skip over the next *n* rows. :param float timeout: Optional timeout value in seconds. :return: A number of rows actually skipped over (<= *n*). """ self._check_ready() if n <= 0: raise exceptions.InterfaceError('n must be greater than zero') protocol = self._connection._protocol status = await protocol.query('MOVE FORWARD {:d} {}'.format( n, self._portal_name), timeout) advanced = int(status.split()[1]) if advanced < n: self._exhausted = True return advanced