Source code for asyncpg.pool

# Copyright (C) 2016-present the asyncpg authors and contributors
# <see AUTHORS file>
# This module is part of asyncpg and is released under
# the Apache 2.0 License:

import asyncio
import functools
import inspect
import logging
import time
import warnings

from . import compat
from . import connection
from . import exceptions
from . import protocol

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class PoolConnectionProxyMeta(type):

    def __new__(mcls, name, bases, dct, *, wrap=False):
        if wrap:
            for attrname in dir(connection.Connection):
                if attrname.startswith('_') or attrname in dct:

                meth = getattr(connection.Connection, attrname)
                if not inspect.isfunction(meth):

                iscoroutine = inspect.iscoroutinefunction(meth)
                wrapper = mcls._wrap_connection_method(attrname, iscoroutine)
                wrapper = functools.update_wrapper(wrapper, meth)
                dct[attrname] = wrapper

            if '__doc__' not in dct:
                dct['__doc__'] = connection.Connection.__doc__

        return super().__new__(mcls, name, bases, dct)

    def _wrap_connection_method(meth_name, iscoroutine):
        def call_con_method(self, *args, **kwargs):
            # This method will be owned by PoolConnectionProxy class.
            if self._con is None:
                raise exceptions.InterfaceError(
                    'cannot call Connection.{}(): '
                    'connection has been released back to the pool'.format(

            meth = getattr(self._con.__class__, meth_name)
            return meth(self._con, *args, **kwargs)

        if iscoroutine:

        return call_con_method

class PoolConnectionProxy(connection._ConnectionProxy,

    __slots__ = ('_con', '_holder')

    def __init__(self, holder: 'PoolConnectionHolder',
                 con: connection.Connection):
        self._con = con
        self._holder = holder

    def __getattr__(self, attr):
        # Proxy all unresolved attributes to the wrapped Connection object.
        return getattr(self._con, attr)

    def _detach(self) -> connection.Connection:
        if self._con is None:

        con, self._con = self._con, None
        return con

    def __repr__(self):
        if self._con is None:
            return '<{classname} [released] {id:#x}>'.format(
                classname=self.__class__.__name__, id=id(self))
            return '<{classname} {con!r} {id:#x}>'.format(
                classname=self.__class__.__name__, con=self._con, id=id(self))

class PoolConnectionHolder:

    __slots__ = ('_con', '_pool', '_loop', '_proxy',
                 '_max_queries', '_setup',
                 '_max_inactive_time', '_in_use',
                 '_inactive_callback', '_timeout',

    def __init__(self, pool, *, max_queries, setup, max_inactive_time):

        self._pool = pool
        self._con = None
        self._proxy = None

        self._max_queries = max_queries
        self._max_inactive_time = max_inactive_time
        self._setup = setup
        self._inactive_callback = None
        self._in_use = None  # type: asyncio.Future
        self._timeout = None
        self._generation = None

    def is_connected(self):
        return self._con is not None and not self._con.is_closed()

    def is_idle(self):
        return not self._in_use

    async def connect(self):
        if self._con is not None:
            raise exceptions.InternalClientError(
                'PoolConnectionHolder.connect() called while another '
                'connection already exists')

        self._con = await self._pool._get_new_connection()
        self._generation = self._pool._generation

    async def acquire(self) -> PoolConnectionProxy:
        if self._con is None or self._con.is_closed():
            self._con = None
            await self.connect()

        elif self._generation != self._pool._generation:
            # Connections have been expired, re-connect the holder.
            self._con = None
            await self.connect()


        self._proxy = proxy = PoolConnectionProxy(self, self._con)

        if self._setup is not None:
                await self._setup(proxy)
            except (Exception, asyncio.CancelledError) as ex:
                # If a user-defined `setup` function fails, we don't
                # know if the connection is safe for re-use, hence
                # we close it.  A new connection will be created
                # when `acquire` is called again.
                    # Use `close()` to close the connection gracefully.
                    # An exception in `setup` isn't necessarily caused
                    # by an IO or a protocol error.  close() will
                    # do the necessary cleanup via _release_on_close().
                    await self._con.close()
                    raise ex

        self._in_use = self._pool._loop.create_future()

        return proxy

    async def release(self, timeout):
        if self._in_use is None:
            raise exceptions.InternalClientError(
                'PoolConnectionHolder.release() called on '
                'a free connection holder')

        if self._con.is_closed():
            # When closing, pool connections perform the necessary
            # cleanup, so we don't have to do anything else here.

        self._timeout = None

        if self._con._protocol.queries_count >= self._max_queries:
            # The connection has reached its maximum utilization limit,
            # so close it.  Connection.close() will call _release().
            await self._con.close(timeout=timeout)

        if self._generation != self._pool._generation:
            # The connection has expired because it belongs to
            # an older generation (Pool.expire_connections() has
            # been called.)
            await self._con.close(timeout=timeout)

            budget = timeout

            if self._con._protocol._is_cancelling():
                # If the connection is in cancellation state,
                # wait for the cancellation
                started = time.monotonic()
                await compat.wait_for(
                if budget is not None:
                    budget -= time.monotonic() - started

            if self._pool._reset is not None:
                async with compat.timeout(budget):
                    await self._con._reset()
                    await self._pool._reset(self._con)
                await self._con.reset(timeout=budget)
        except (Exception, asyncio.CancelledError) as ex:
            # If the `reset` call failed, terminate the connection.
            # A new one will be created when `acquire` is called
            # again.
                # An exception in `reset` is most likely caused by
                # an IO error, so terminate the connection.
                raise ex

        # Free this connection holder and invalidate the
        # connection proxy.

        # Rearm the connection inactivity timer.

    async def wait_until_released(self):
        if self._in_use is None:
            await self._in_use

    async def close(self):
        if self._con is not None:
            # Connection.close() will call _release_on_close() to
            # finish holder cleanup.
            await self._con.close()

    def terminate(self):
        if self._con is not None:
            # Connection.terminate() will call _release_on_close() to
            # finish holder cleanup.

    def _setup_inactive_callback(self):
        if self._inactive_callback is not None:
            raise exceptions.InternalClientError(
                'pool connection inactivity timer already exists')

        if self._max_inactive_time:
            self._inactive_callback = self._pool._loop.call_later(
                self._max_inactive_time, self._deactivate_inactive_connection)

    def _maybe_cancel_inactive_callback(self):
        if self._inactive_callback is not None:
            self._inactive_callback = None

    def _deactivate_inactive_connection(self):
        if self._in_use is not None:
            raise exceptions.InternalClientError(
                'attempting to deactivate an acquired connection')

        if self._con is not None:
            # The connection is idle and not in use, so it's fine to
            # use terminate() instead of close().
            # Must call clear_connection, because _deactivate_connection
            # is called when the connection is *not* checked out, and
            # so terminate() above will not call the below.

    def _release_on_close(self):
        self._con = None

    def _release(self):
        """Release this connection holder."""
        if self._in_use is None:
            # The holder is not checked out.

        if not self._in_use.done():
        self._in_use = None

        # Deinitialize the connection proxy.  All subsequent
        # operations on it will fail.
        if self._proxy is not None:
            self._proxy = None

        # Put ourselves back to the pool queue.

[docs] class Pool: """A connection pool. Connection pool can be used to manage a set of connections to the database. Connections are first acquired from the pool, then used, and then released back to the pool. Once a connection is released, it's reset to close all open cursors and other resources *except* prepared statements. Pools are created by calling :func:`~asyncpg.pool.create_pool`. """ __slots__ = ( '_queue', '_loop', '_minsize', '_maxsize', '_init', '_connect', '_reset', '_connect_args', '_connect_kwargs', '_holders', '_initialized', '_initializing', '_closing', '_closed', '_connection_class', '_record_class', '_generation', '_setup', '_max_queries', '_max_inactive_connection_lifetime' ) def __init__(self, *connect_args, min_size, max_size, max_queries, max_inactive_connection_lifetime, connect=None, setup=None, init=None, reset=None, loop, connection_class, record_class, **connect_kwargs): if len(connect_args) > 1: warnings.warn( "Passing multiple positional arguments to asyncpg.Pool " "constructor is deprecated and will be removed in " "asyncpg 0.17.0. The non-deprecated form is " "asyncpg.Pool(<dsn>, **kwargs)", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) if loop is None: loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() self._loop = loop if max_size <= 0: raise ValueError('max_size is expected to be greater than zero') if min_size < 0: raise ValueError( 'min_size is expected to be greater or equal to zero') if min_size > max_size: raise ValueError('min_size is greater than max_size') if max_queries <= 0: raise ValueError('max_queries is expected to be greater than zero') if max_inactive_connection_lifetime < 0: raise ValueError( 'max_inactive_connection_lifetime is expected to be greater ' 'or equal to zero') if not issubclass(connection_class, connection.Connection): raise TypeError( 'connection_class is expected to be a subclass of ' 'asyncpg.Connection, got {!r}'.format(connection_class)) if not issubclass(record_class, protocol.Record): raise TypeError( 'record_class is expected to be a subclass of ' 'asyncpg.Record, got {!r}'.format(record_class)) self._minsize = min_size self._maxsize = max_size self._holders = [] self._initialized = False self._initializing = False self._queue = None self._connection_class = connection_class self._record_class = record_class self._closing = False self._closed = False self._generation = 0 self._connect = connect if connect is not None else connection.connect self._connect_args = connect_args self._connect_kwargs = connect_kwargs self._setup = setup self._init = init self._reset = reset self._max_queries = max_queries self._max_inactive_connection_lifetime = \ max_inactive_connection_lifetime async def _async__init__(self): if self._initialized: return self if self._initializing: raise exceptions.InterfaceError( 'pool is being initialized in another task') if self._closed: raise exceptions.InterfaceError('pool is closed') self._initializing = True try: await self._initialize() return self finally: self._initializing = False self._initialized = True async def _initialize(self): self._queue = asyncio.LifoQueue(maxsize=self._maxsize) for _ in range(self._maxsize): ch = PoolConnectionHolder( self, max_queries=self._max_queries, max_inactive_time=self._max_inactive_connection_lifetime, setup=self._setup) self._holders.append(ch) self._queue.put_nowait(ch) if self._minsize: # Since we use a LIFO queue, the first items in the queue will be # the last ones in `self._holders`. We want to pre-connect the # first few connections in the queue, therefore we want to walk # `self._holders` in reverse. # Connect the first connection holder in the queue so that # any connection issues are visible early. first_ch = self._holders[-1] # type: PoolConnectionHolder await first_ch.connect() if self._minsize > 1: connect_tasks = [] for i, ch in enumerate(reversed(self._holders[:-1])): # `minsize - 1` because we already have first_ch if i >= self._minsize - 1: break connect_tasks.append(ch.connect()) await asyncio.gather(*connect_tasks)
[docs] def is_closing(self): """Return ``True`` if the pool is closing or is closed. .. versionadded:: 0.28.0 """ return self._closed or self._closing
[docs] def get_size(self): """Return the current number of connections in this pool. .. versionadded:: 0.25.0 """ return sum(h.is_connected() for h in self._holders)
[docs] def get_min_size(self): """Return the minimum number of connections in this pool. .. versionadded:: 0.25.0 """ return self._minsize
[docs] def get_max_size(self): """Return the maximum allowed number of connections in this pool. .. versionadded:: 0.25.0 """ return self._maxsize
[docs] def get_idle_size(self): """Return the current number of idle connections in this pool. .. versionadded:: 0.25.0 """ return sum(h.is_connected() and h.is_idle() for h in self._holders)
[docs] def set_connect_args(self, dsn=None, **connect_kwargs): r"""Set the new connection arguments for this pool. The new connection arguments will be used for all subsequent new connection attempts. Existing connections will remain until they expire. Use :meth:`Pool.expire_connections() <asyncpg.pool.Pool.expire_connections>` to expedite the connection expiry. :param str dsn: Connection arguments specified using as a single string in the following format: ``postgres://user:pass@host:port/database?option=value``. :param \*\*connect_kwargs: Keyword arguments for the :func:`~asyncpg.connection.connect` function. .. versionadded:: 0.16.0 """ self._connect_args = [dsn] self._connect_kwargs = connect_kwargs
async def _get_new_connection(self): con = await self._connect( *self._connect_args, loop=self._loop, connection_class=self._connection_class, record_class=self._record_class, **self._connect_kwargs, ) if not isinstance(con, self._connection_class): good = self._connection_class good_n = f'{good.__module__}.{good.__name__}' bad = type(con) if bad.__module__ == "builtins": bad_n = bad.__name__ else: bad_n = f'{bad.__module__}.{bad.__name__}' raise exceptions.InterfaceError( "expected pool connect callback to return an instance of " f"'{good_n}', got " f"'{bad_n}'" ) if self._init is not None: try: await self._init(con) except (Exception, asyncio.CancelledError) as ex: # If a user-defined `init` function fails, we don't # know if the connection is safe for re-use, hence # we close it. A new connection will be created # when `acquire` is called again. try: # Use `close()` to close the connection gracefully. # An exception in `init` isn't necessarily caused # by an IO or a protocol error. close() will # do the necessary cleanup via _release_on_close(). await con.close() finally: raise ex return con
[docs] async def execute(self, query: str, *args, timeout: float=None) -> str: """Execute an SQL command (or commands). Pool performs this operation using one of its connections. Other than that, it behaves identically to :meth:`Connection.execute() <asyncpg.connection.Connection.execute>`. .. versionadded:: 0.10.0 """ async with self.acquire() as con: return await con.execute(query, *args, timeout=timeout)
[docs] async def executemany(self, command: str, args, *, timeout: float=None): """Execute an SQL *command* for each sequence of arguments in *args*. Pool performs this operation using one of its connections. Other than that, it behaves identically to :meth:`Connection.executemany() <asyncpg.connection.Connection.executemany>`. .. versionadded:: 0.10.0 """ async with self.acquire() as con: return await con.executemany(command, args, timeout=timeout)
[docs] async def fetch( self, query, *args, timeout=None, record_class=None ) -> list: """Run a query and return the results as a list of :class:`Record`. Pool performs this operation using one of its connections. Other than that, it behaves identically to :meth:`Connection.fetch() <asyncpg.connection.Connection.fetch>`. .. versionadded:: 0.10.0 """ async with self.acquire() as con: return await con.fetch( query, *args, timeout=timeout, record_class=record_class )
[docs] async def fetchval(self, query, *args, column=0, timeout=None): """Run a query and return a value in the first row. Pool performs this operation using one of its connections. Other than that, it behaves identically to :meth:`Connection.fetchval() <asyncpg.connection.Connection.fetchval>`. .. versionadded:: 0.10.0 """ async with self.acquire() as con: return await con.fetchval( query, *args, column=column, timeout=timeout)
[docs] async def fetchrow(self, query, *args, timeout=None, record_class=None): """Run a query and return the first row. Pool performs this operation using one of its connections. Other than that, it behaves identically to :meth:`Connection.fetchrow() <asyncpg.connection.Connection.fetchrow>`. .. versionadded:: 0.10.0 """ async with self.acquire() as con: return await con.fetchrow( query, *args, timeout=timeout, record_class=record_class )
[docs] async def fetchmany(self, query, args, *, timeout=None, record_class=None): """Run a query for each sequence of arguments in *args* and return the results as a list of :class:`Record`. Pool performs this operation using one of its connections. Other than that, it behaves identically to :meth:`Connection.fetchmany() <asyncpg.connection.Connection.fetchmany>`. .. versionadded:: 0.30.0 """ async with self.acquire() as con: return await con.fetchmany( query, args, timeout=timeout, record_class=record_class )
[docs] async def copy_from_table( self, table_name, *, output, columns=None, schema_name=None, timeout=None, format=None, oids=None, delimiter=None, null=None, header=None, quote=None, escape=None, force_quote=None, encoding=None ): """Copy table contents to a file or file-like object. Pool performs this operation using one of its connections. Other than that, it behaves identically to :meth:`Connection.copy_from_table() <asyncpg.connection.Connection.copy_from_table>`. .. versionadded:: 0.24.0 """ async with self.acquire() as con: return await con.copy_from_table( table_name, output=output, columns=columns, schema_name=schema_name, timeout=timeout, format=format, oids=oids, delimiter=delimiter, null=null, header=header, quote=quote, escape=escape, force_quote=force_quote, encoding=encoding )
[docs] async def copy_from_query( self, query, *args, output, timeout=None, format=None, oids=None, delimiter=None, null=None, header=None, quote=None, escape=None, force_quote=None, encoding=None ): """Copy the results of a query to a file or file-like object. Pool performs this operation using one of its connections. Other than that, it behaves identically to :meth:`Connection.copy_from_query() <asyncpg.connection.Connection.copy_from_query>`. .. versionadded:: 0.24.0 """ async with self.acquire() as con: return await con.copy_from_query( query, *args, output=output, timeout=timeout, format=format, oids=oids, delimiter=delimiter, null=null, header=header, quote=quote, escape=escape, force_quote=force_quote, encoding=encoding )
[docs] async def copy_to_table( self, table_name, *, source, columns=None, schema_name=None, timeout=None, format=None, oids=None, freeze=None, delimiter=None, null=None, header=None, quote=None, escape=None, force_quote=None, force_not_null=None, force_null=None, encoding=None, where=None ): """Copy data to the specified table. Pool performs this operation using one of its connections. Other than that, it behaves identically to :meth:`Connection.copy_to_table() <asyncpg.connection.Connection.copy_to_table>`. .. versionadded:: 0.24.0 """ async with self.acquire() as con: return await con.copy_to_table( table_name, source=source, columns=columns, schema_name=schema_name, timeout=timeout, format=format, oids=oids, freeze=freeze, delimiter=delimiter, null=null, header=header, quote=quote, escape=escape, force_quote=force_quote, force_not_null=force_not_null, force_null=force_null, encoding=encoding, where=where )
[docs] async def copy_records_to_table( self, table_name, *, records, columns=None, schema_name=None, timeout=None, where=None ): """Copy a list of records to the specified table using binary COPY. Pool performs this operation using one of its connections. Other than that, it behaves identically to :meth:`Connection.copy_records_to_table() <asyncpg.connection.Connection.copy_records_to_table>`. .. versionadded:: 0.24.0 """ async with self.acquire() as con: return await con.copy_records_to_table( table_name, records=records, columns=columns, schema_name=schema_name, timeout=timeout, where=where )
[docs] def acquire(self, *, timeout=None): """Acquire a database connection from the pool. :param float timeout: A timeout for acquiring a Connection. :return: An instance of :class:`~asyncpg.connection.Connection`. Can be used in an ``await`` expression or with an ``async with`` block. .. code-block:: python async with pool.acquire() as con: await con.execute(...) Or: .. code-block:: python con = await pool.acquire() try: await con.execute(...) finally: await pool.release(con) """ return PoolAcquireContext(self, timeout)
async def _acquire(self, timeout): async def _acquire_impl(): ch = await self._queue.get() # type: PoolConnectionHolder try: proxy = await ch.acquire() # type: PoolConnectionProxy except (Exception, asyncio.CancelledError): self._queue.put_nowait(ch) raise else: # Record the timeout, as we will apply it by default # in release(). ch._timeout = timeout return proxy if self._closing: raise exceptions.InterfaceError('pool is closing') self._check_init() if timeout is None: return await _acquire_impl() else: return await compat.wait_for( _acquire_impl(), timeout=timeout)
[docs] async def release(self, connection, *, timeout=None): """Release a database connection back to the pool. :param Connection connection: A :class:`~asyncpg.connection.Connection` object to release. :param float timeout: A timeout for releasing the connection. If not specified, defaults to the timeout provided in the corresponding call to the :meth:`Pool.acquire() <asyncpg.pool.Pool.acquire>` method. .. versionchanged:: 0.14.0 Added the *timeout* parameter. """ if (type(connection) is not PoolConnectionProxy or connection._holder._pool is not self): raise exceptions.InterfaceError( 'Pool.release() received invalid connection: ' '{connection!r} is not a member of this pool'.format( connection=connection)) if connection._con is None: # Already released, do nothing. return self._check_init() # Let the connection do its internal housekeeping when its released. connection._con._on_release() ch = connection._holder if timeout is None: timeout = ch._timeout # Use asyncio.shield() to guarantee that task cancellation # does not prevent the connection from being returned to the # pool properly. return await asyncio.shield(ch.release(timeout))
[docs] async def close(self): """Attempt to gracefully close all connections in the pool. Wait until all pool connections are released, close them and shut down the pool. If any error (including cancellation) occurs in ``close()`` the pool will terminate by calling :meth:`Pool.terminate() <pool.Pool.terminate>`. It is advisable to use :func:`python:asyncio.wait_for` to set a timeout. .. versionchanged:: 0.16.0 ``close()`` now waits until all pool connections are released before closing them and the pool. Errors raised in ``close()`` will cause immediate pool termination. """ if self._closed: return self._check_init() self._closing = True warning_callback = None try: warning_callback = self._loop.call_later( 60, self._warn_on_long_close) release_coros = [ ch.wait_until_released() for ch in self._holders] await asyncio.gather(*release_coros) close_coros = [ ch.close() for ch in self._holders] await asyncio.gather(*close_coros) except (Exception, asyncio.CancelledError): self.terminate() raise finally: if warning_callback is not None: warning_callback.cancel() self._closed = True self._closing = False
def _warn_on_long_close(self): logger.warning('Pool.close() is taking over 60 seconds to complete. ' 'Check if you have any unreleased connections left. ' 'Use asyncio.wait_for() to set a timeout for ' 'Pool.close().')
[docs] def terminate(self): """Terminate all connections in the pool.""" if self._closed: return self._check_init() for ch in self._holders: ch.terminate() self._closed = True
[docs] async def expire_connections(self): """Expire all currently open connections. Cause all currently open connections to get replaced on the next :meth:`~asyncpg.pool.Pool.acquire()` call. .. versionadded:: 0.16.0 """ self._generation += 1
def _check_init(self): if not self._initialized: if self._initializing: raise exceptions.InterfaceError( 'pool is being initialized, but not yet ready: ' 'likely there is a race between creating a pool and ' 'using it') raise exceptions.InterfaceError('pool is not initialized') if self._closed: raise exceptions.InterfaceError('pool is closed') def _drop_statement_cache(self): # Drop statement cache for all connections in the pool. for ch in self._holders: if ch._con is not None: ch._con._drop_local_statement_cache() def _drop_type_cache(self): # Drop type codec cache for all connections in the pool. for ch in self._holders: if ch._con is not None: ch._con._drop_local_type_cache() def __await__(self): return self._async__init__().__await__() async def __aenter__(self): await self._async__init__() return self async def __aexit__(self, *exc): await self.close()
class PoolAcquireContext: __slots__ = ('timeout', 'connection', 'done', 'pool') def __init__(self, pool, timeout): self.pool = pool self.timeout = timeout self.connection = None self.done = False async def __aenter__(self): if self.connection is not None or self.done: raise exceptions.InterfaceError('a connection is already acquired') self.connection = await self.pool._acquire(self.timeout) return self.connection async def __aexit__(self, *exc): self.done = True con = self.connection self.connection = None await self.pool.release(con) def __await__(self): self.done = True return self.pool._acquire(self.timeout).__await__()
[docs] def create_pool(dsn=None, *, min_size=10, max_size=10, max_queries=50000, max_inactive_connection_lifetime=300.0, connect=None, setup=None, init=None, reset=None, loop=None, connection_class=connection.Connection, record_class=protocol.Record, **connect_kwargs): r"""Create a connection pool. Can be used either with an ``async with`` block: .. code-block:: python async with asyncpg.create_pool(user='postgres', command_timeout=60) as pool: await pool.fetch('SELECT 1') Or to perform multiple operations on a single connection: .. code-block:: python async with asyncpg.create_pool(user='postgres', command_timeout=60) as pool: async with pool.acquire() as con: await con.execute(''' CREATE TABLE names ( id serial PRIMARY KEY, name VARCHAR (255) NOT NULL) ''') await con.fetch('SELECT 1') Or directly with ``await`` (not recommended): .. code-block:: python pool = await asyncpg.create_pool(user='postgres', command_timeout=60) con = await pool.acquire() try: await con.fetch('SELECT 1') finally: await pool.release(con) .. warning:: Prepared statements and cursors returned by :meth:`Connection.prepare() <asyncpg.connection.Connection.prepare>` and :meth:`Connection.cursor() <asyncpg.connection.Connection.cursor>` become invalid once the connection is released. Likewise, all notification and log listeners are removed, and ``asyncpg`` will issue a warning if there are any listener callbacks registered on a connection that is being released to the pool. :param str dsn: Connection arguments specified using as a single string in the following format: ``postgres://user:pass@host:port/database?option=value``. :param \*\*connect_kwargs: Keyword arguments for the :func:`~asyncpg.connection.connect` function. :param Connection connection_class: The class to use for connections. Must be a subclass of :class:`~asyncpg.connection.Connection`. :param type record_class: If specified, the class to use for records returned by queries on the connections in this pool. Must be a subclass of :class:`~asyncpg.Record`. :param int min_size: Number of connection the pool will be initialized with. :param int max_size: Max number of connections in the pool. :param int max_queries: Number of queries after a connection is closed and replaced with a new connection. :param float max_inactive_connection_lifetime: Number of seconds after which inactive connections in the pool will be closed. Pass ``0`` to disable this mechanism. :param coroutine connect: A coroutine that is called instead of :func:`~asyncpg.connection.connect` whenever the pool needs to make a new connection. Must return an instance of type specified by *connection_class* or :class:`~asyncpg.connection.Connection` if *connection_class* was not specified. :param coroutine setup: A coroutine to prepare a connection right before it is returned from :meth:`Pool.acquire()`. An example use case would be to automatically set up notifications listeners for all connections of a pool. :param coroutine init: A coroutine to initialize a connection when it is created. An example use case would be to setup type codecs with :meth:`Connection.set_builtin_type_codec() <\ asyncpg.connection.Connection.set_builtin_type_codec>` or :meth:`Connection.set_type_codec() <\ asyncpg.connection.Connection.set_type_codec>`. :param coroutine reset: A coroutine to reset a connection before it is returned to the pool by :meth:`Pool.release()`. The function is supposed to reset any changes made to the database session so that the next acquirer gets the connection in a well-defined state. The default implementation calls :meth:`Connection.reset() <\ asyncpg.connection.Connection.reset>`, which runs the following:: SELECT pg_advisory_unlock_all(); CLOSE ALL; UNLISTEN *; RESET ALL; The exact reset query is determined by detected server capabilities, and a custom *reset* implementation can obtain the default query by calling :meth:`Connection.get_reset_query() <\ asyncpg.connection.Connection.get_reset_query>`. :param loop: An asyncio event loop instance. If ``None``, the default event loop will be used. :return: An instance of :class:`~asyncpg.pool.Pool`. .. versionchanged:: 0.10.0 An :exc:`~asyncpg.exceptions.InterfaceError` will be raised on any attempted operation on a released connection. .. versionchanged:: 0.13.0 An :exc:`~asyncpg.exceptions.InterfaceError` will be raised on any attempted operation on a prepared statement or a cursor created on a connection that has been released to the pool. .. versionchanged:: 0.13.0 An :exc:`~asyncpg.exceptions.InterfaceWarning` will be produced if there are any active listeners (added via :meth:`Connection.add_listener() <asyncpg.connection.Connection.add_listener>` or :meth:`Connection.add_log_listener() <asyncpg.connection.Connection.add_log_listener>`) present on the connection at the moment of its release to the pool. .. versionchanged:: 0.22.0 Added the *record_class* parameter. .. versionchanged:: 0.30.0 Added the *connect* and *reset* parameters. """ return Pool( dsn, connection_class=connection_class, record_class=record_class, min_size=min_size, max_size=max_size, max_queries=max_queries, loop=loop, connect=connect, setup=setup, init=init, reset=reset, max_inactive_connection_lifetime=max_inactive_connection_lifetime, **connect_kwargs, )